Author: Jason Black

Transcript: Greg:    Jason, we're back. It's our second episode in 2016. How are you? Jason:    I'm very good. Happy New Year to you, Greg. Greg:    Thank you. You too. We're sitting in one of your beautiful homes in Norton Commons and I can't help but notice the hardwood...

Transcript: Greg:    Jason, another Monday, another podcast. How are you? Jason:    I'm great, Greg. How are you doing this morning? Greg:    I am doing well. I looked back on some of the podcasts we've already recorded and looks like we've covered kitchens for probably a few weeks. I...

Transcript: Greg:    Jason, good to see you. Jason:    Welcome back Greg, always good to see you, man. Greg:    Thank you. We're back at another episode of your podcast. I'd like to approach this one from a buyer's perspective if we might. The more I talk to you, the...

Greg:    Jason, we're back another episode of your podcast. How are you? Jason:    I'm doing well. I can't believe another week has gone by. Greg:    I know. We've learned a lot about kitchens lately and some other parts of the house, but I want to follow up...

Greg:    Jason, good to see you. Jason:    It’s good to have you back, Greg. Greg:    Thank you. I’m very excited about this week’s topic. You’ve been teasing me for weeks and weeks talking about outdoor space and how it leads from the kitchen to the outdoor kitchen...

Greg:     All right, we're back with another episode of our podcast and we've spent a few weeks, Jason, talking about kitchens and some of the best things to put in a kitchen. I'm curious, I know there are other levels and other floors in the...