Transcript: Greg:    Jason, another Monday, another podcast. How are you? Jason:    I'm great, Greg. How are you doing this morning? Greg:    I am doing well. I looked back on some of the podcasts we've already recorded and looks like we've covered kitchens for probably a few weeks. I...

Transcript: Greg:    Jason, good to see you. Jason:    Welcome back Greg, always good to see you, man. Greg:    Thank you. We're back at another episode of your podcast. I'd like to approach this one from a buyer's perspective if we might. The more I talk to you, the...

Greg:    Jason, we're back another episode of your podcast. How are you? Jason:    I'm doing well. I can't believe another week has gone by. Greg:    I know. We've learned a lot about kitchens lately and some other parts of the house, but I want to follow up...